August 27, 2012

The final 30 days!!

I can't believe my 999 days is coming to an end!

I started this as a New Years resolution January 1st, 2010. A countdown to September 27, 2012 giving me 999 days to complete 99 goals. (The List). 

There have been some wonderful memories created by crossing things off this list. Here's a few of my favorites:

1. Inspire someone to create a 99 in 999 list of their own (count is up to 8 people!)
6. Complete a sprint triathlon (I've done three!!)
8. Adopt a doberman
15. Go white water rafting
19. Watch all 6 seasons of Lost (6/6) 
50. Publish a book (my cookbook raised $1,200 for LLS!)
51. Make the Dean's/President's list each semester of grad school (8/8)
90. Learn American Sign Language
95. Participate in the Cooper River Bridge Run (three times with Stephen!)

I didn't realize it until now...but these 8 goals have actually changed my life in HUGE ways!
It felt so awesome each time someone sent me a message saying they had been inspired and were in the process of creating a 99 list of their own. It's been especially exciting watching those of you who have kept up with it and update more than I do (*ahem* I'm talking to you Esther and Katie)!

Adopting a doberman was one of the best things I've ever done. Mika is the best dog!! Seriously, she is. She has so much personality, so quirky, and she's so well behaved. She learns boundaries really quickly and knows where she can and can't go within minutes of being in a new place, where alot of dogs would start running and just keep running! She has never..not even once..chewed on anything but her toys. I'm willing to bet, this time next year, she'll be able to be a "free range dobie" and walk without a leash to the park. (Not that we would..but she could do it!) She is so so smart and learns very quickly - but that's something I knew about dobermans and one of the main reasons I've always wanted one. Besides the fact that they are great guard dogs. I'm convinced our house would've been broken into by now had she not been here with us. Every day is better when she's around :-) 

Speaking of things being better when someone's around...alot of these goals would not have been crossed off without Stephen. He's been my partner in all of this (and we got our start by watching all those seasons of Lost together)! He's participated in 10k's, 5k's, and triathlons with me. Things I'd never once done before he came into my life. He took me to Colorado, brought me hiking, white water rafting, canoeing, introduced me to a new sport (disc golf - of which I can say I'm not too terrible at). He helped me create my cookbook, which helped me raise $1,200 for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. He motivates me, pushes me, and encourages me. He's amazing.

And that's why..after the 999 days is over in September and we get back from our honeymoon in December and the dust from holidays settles, our New Years resolution for 2013 will be to start another 99 list as a couple!! But because there were many things I didn't get to on my "bucketlist" because I am master of procrastination, shortening the amount of days we have to complete it sounded like a good idea. So instead of having almost 1,000 days to countdown, we're cutting that number in half. 500 days. That's it.

So here's where you come in! We've already started our list of 99 goals / things we'd like to do as a couple...but we need your help! 

Give us your suggestions -- we're all ears :-)

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